The art of Celia Fryer explores two cultures and the deeply personal intersection resulting from having been born in the United States but raised in Latin America. The themes of her work underscore the social, emotional, and physical landscapes of Latin America and the United States. She conveys subjects that declare a social commentary, demonstrate cultural diversity, depict the beauty of nature, and celebrate human dignity.


Through the media of soft pastels and oil paints, she captures glimpses of different cultures. The bold colors of oil paints and soft pastels reflect the bright, vivid hues found in the beautifully handwoven fabrics that characterize the Guatemalan Maya Indians and the Peruvian Inca Indians. She also crafts the softer, more subtle hues present in the diverse and breathtaking vistas of the Americas.


Her artwork is a reflection of past as well as present realities and illuminates the beauty of the United States and Latin America and the nobility and resilience of their people. By giving voice to these distinct cultures that are an integral part of her life, she gives a voice to her own identity and unique heritage.


Celia Fryer







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